
今天 — 2024年7月3日技术博客

Qt and Trivial Relocation (Part 3) -- Giuseppe D'Angelo

作者 Blog Staff
2024年7月3日 06:07

kdab.pngIn the last post of this series we started exploring how to erase an element from the middle of a vector.

Qt and Trivial Relocation (Part 3)

by Giuseppe D'Angelo

From the article:

The reference semantics backstab

Let’s start by analyzing erase()‘s behavior once more.

Do you remember our claim that the specific strategy used does not really matter; that is, that they are all equivalent? Well, not so fast! It is actually quite imprecise to say that they are all equivalent.

They may be, as long as we deal with types which have value semantics. If we instead use a type that has reference semantics, the choices are absolutely not equivalent, and will yield different outcomes. This is because the semantics of assignment for (certain) reference types are write-through: they assign through the reference (instead of rebinding the reference).

Since we are implementing erasure in terms of assignments (or swaps, which boil down to assignments), this means that the precise sequence of operations done by erase will be visible due to its side-effects; and it also means that changing the strategy will produce different outcomes!

昨天 — 2024年7月2日技术博客


作者 云风
2024年7月2日 14:38

Ant 引擎的角色动画系统还需要完善。

之前我们用 Ant 引擎开发的游戏以机械装置为主,所以并不需要人型角色动画。对于人物角色动作的动画控制,最好有更多的引擎支持。

通常,角色逻辑上的属性和动画表现存在一个映射关系。一个角色,它逻辑上的基本属性可能只有在空间中的坐标。我们编写代码控制它时,只关心它在哪里。但是,在做画面表现时,则需要根据空间坐标这组简单属性,转换为动画播放:如果角色静止不动,就播放 idle 动画,如果正在运动,就播放 walk 动画。



这种从逻辑属性数据到表现用数据的映射关系,一般使用状态机来实现。Unity 文档对此有一个很好的描述。通过这个状态机,可以生成动画系统底层每帧需要的数据,而开发者只需要简单修改逻辑上的基本属性即可。

动画系统底层看到的是 Entity 当前状态下用于动画渲染的基础数据:一个动画片段的当前帧,或是几个动画片段的加权混合。而状态机只用运行当前帧的当前状态关联的转换逻辑去加工那些基本属性输入。

因为状态机永远处于单一状态,但对于动画来说,从一种状态到另一种状态通常有一个表现过程,所以,状态机中的状态和表现上的状态是有区别的。Unity 把两者区分开,idle ,walk 这种叫 state ,从 idle 到 walk 的过渡期叫 state transition 。从状态机的实现角度看,其实它们都是状态机的节点 node 。

对于非帧动画来说,处于 state 时,通常只有一个动画片段;在 state transition 阶段,则为它连接的两个 state 的动画片段的混合。state 可以触发特定的行为 behaviour ,开发者可以围绕每个特定的 state 来编写逻辑;而 state transition 通常由几个参数控制,对开发者是透明的。

动画状态机的 transition 和动画表现上的多个动画片段混合,是不同的两个东西。

从走路到跑步的过渡阶段可以直接切换两个做好的动画片段,如果是帧动画,动画片段有若干帧构成,通常几个可以衔接在一起的片段,每个片段的最后一帧可以和第一帧衔接在一起,保证循环播放,不同动画片段的第一帧是相同的,允许片段间切换。那么,状态机的 transition 要做的工作一般是,保持上一个状态的动画片段序列播放到最后一帧,可以顺利切换到下一个状态。

以走路过度到跑步为例,状态机在更新时,如果处于走路状态,一旦发现移动速度超过跑步的阈值,就可以切换到 walk to run 这个 transition ,在这个新的 node 中,状态机会继续保持走路的帧动画片段提供给动画底层,直到一个片段周期结束,然后切换到 run 这个新 state ,新的 state 会使用跑步的动画片段从头播放。

对于骨骼动画,往往不受单一动画片段的限制。它可以将多个动画片段混合在一起。在 transition 中,可以逐帧调整多个动画片段的混合权重。

关于人物运动怎样用多个动画片段混合,这里有一篇论文 做了非常详细的解释。


而如果要考虑人物在移动过程中转向,则需要二维的插值。通常使用 Gradient Band Interpolation 。当需要考虑速度变化时,把插值放在极坐标系下效果更好。虽然这需要 O(n2) 的算法复杂度,但通过一张预运算的表,就可以减少到常数时间。

btw, 即使是在 state 中,也可以用到动画的混合。比如,负伤走路的角色和正常走路的角色表现不一样。负伤走路的动画可以是由负伤动画和行走动画叠加混合而来。

CppCon 2023 Writing a Better std::move -- Jonathan Müller

作者 Blog Staff
2024年7月2日 02:23

cpp23-muller.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2024! The conference starts on September 15 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2024!

Lightning Talk: Writing a Better std::move

by Jonathan Müller

Summary of the talk:

std::move allows the creation of const rvalue references, which is almost always wrong. It also allows moving out of lvalue references, which can be dangerous since you don't have real ownership over them and a caller might not expect the object to disappear. Let's fix those problems using macros, reflection, and more macros.


C++ programmer's guide to undefined behavior: part 2 of 11

作者 Andrey Karpov
2024年6月30日 19:31

Your attention is invited to the second part of an e-book on undefined behavior. This is not a textbook, as it's intended for those who are already familiar with C++ programming. It's a kind of C++ programmer's guide to undefined behavior and to its most secret and exotic corners. The book was written by Dmitry Sviridkin and edited by Andrey Karpov.

C++ programmer's guide to undefined behavior: part 2 of 11

by Dmitry Sviridkin

From the article:

The compiler can be guided by the following logic: If the h value is positive—regardless of the c character—the h*27752 + c value will be positive: the c value is small, and there is no overflow. At the first iteration, h is positive, we sum up positive numbers. There are no overflows in a correct program, so at each iteration, the value will be positive. The result will be positive; we no need any check.

More on Harmful Overuse of std::move -- Raymond Chen

作者 Blog Staff
2024年6月30日 05:46

RaymondChen_5in-150x150.jpgIn recent discussions around the use of std::move in C++, questions have arisen regarding its potential overuse and the compiler's treatment of its return values. Addressing concerns raised by developers like Jonathan Duncan, this article delves into the nuances of std::move, examining whether its current implementation aligns with compiler optimizations and proposing potential enhancements for more efficient code generation.

More on harmful overuse of std::move

by Raymond Chen

From the article:

Some time ago, I wrote about harmful overuse of std::move. Jonathan Duncan asked,

Is there some side-effect or other reason I can’t see return std::move(name); case isn’t possible to elide? Or is this just a case of the standards missing an opportunity and compilers being bound to obey the standards?

In the statement return std::move(name);, what the compiler sees is return f(...); where f(...) is some mysterious function call that returns an rvalue. For all it knows, you could have written return object.optional_name().value();, which is also a mysterious function call that returns an rvalue. There is nothing in the expression std::move(name) that says, “Trust me, this rvalue that I return is an rvalue of a local variable from this very function!”

Now, you might say, “Sure, the compiler doesn’t know that, but what if we made it know that?” Make the function std::move a magic function, one of the special cases where the core language is in cahoots with the standard library.

This sort of in-cahoots-ness is not unheard of. For example, the compiler has special understanding of std::launder, so that it won’t value-propagate memory values across it, and the compiler has special understanding of memory barriers, so that it won’t optimize loads and stores across them.

CppCon 2023 Linkers, Loaders and Shared Libraries in Windows, Linux, and C++ -- Ofek Shilon

作者 Blog Staff
2024年6月29日 02:20

cpp23-shilon.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2024! The conference starts on September 15 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2024!

Linkers, Loaders and Shared Libraries in Windows, Linux, and C++

by Ofek Shilon

Summary of the talk:

This talk would give a crash-intro to linkers, loaders and the layout of program binaries, and explore just enough internals to understand some observable differences in C++ builds between Linux and Windows.

We will discuss the GOT, the PLT, symbol visibility, interposition, lazy binding and more. There will be a lot of details, but also a lot of 'why's and opinions.

We will also touch/rant on what the C++ standard has to say on adjacent matters. There's a good chance you've heard before "shared libraries are outside the scope of the standard", but it doesn't mean what you think it does.

CppCon 2023 Libraries: A First Step Toward Standard C++ Dependency Mgmt--Bret Brown & Bill Hoffman

作者 Blog Staff
2024年6月28日 02:15

cpp23-brown.pngRegistration is now open for CppCon 2024! The conference starts on September 15 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year's conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2024!

Plenary: Libraries - A First Step Toward Standard C++ Dependency Management

by Bret Brown & Bill Hoffman

Summary of the talk:

Prebuilt libraries have existed for decades… they even predate C++! After all these years, techniques to use prebuilt libraries are still ad hoc and difficult to maintain. A root cause of this variety of techniques is the variety of things that are C++ libraries: header-only libraries, statically-linked archives, dynamically-linked binaries, and so on. The consuming projects need to build against these libraries in consistent ways or risk unproductive workflows – and potentially, even catastrophic failure in production environments. This lack of convergence creates enormous interoperability problems across broad portions of the worldwide programming ecosystem, not just the C++ parts of it.

This talk will explore the complexities of defining what is a “C++ library.” It will then present the joint work of Kitware, Bloomberg, and others toward a preliminary design for creating initial standards for dependency management in C++ – metadata files to describe prebuilt libraries. A roadmap for maturing the design will also be shared, including proposing a standard definition for C++ libraries, building on previous proposals such as P1313: Package Specification (https://wg21.link/P1313).

This talk is intended for anyone who produces, maintains, or consumes C++ libraries. Special knowledge of C++ tooling, build systems, or package managers is not required.

Sean Baxter: Safe C++

2024年6月27日 22:34

Sean Baxter demonstrates memory safe C++ using his Circle compiler

Safe C++
Sean Baxter

From the talk:

Does a subset of a superset of C++ exists that achieves similar safety guarantees to rust, is useful and expressive enough, and is compatible with today's C++? If so, is anyone mad enough to do it? There is an answer to that
