

Don't DRY Your Code Prematurely

This is another post in our Code Health series. A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Testing on the Toilet episode. You can download a printer-friendly version to display in your office.

By Dan Maksimovich

Many of us have been told the virtues of “Don’t Repeat Yourself” or DRY. Pause and consider: Is the duplication truly redundant or will the functionality need to evolve independently over timeApplying DRY principles too rigidly leads to premature abstractions that make future changes more complex than necessary. 

Consider carefully if code is truly redundant or just superficially similar.  While functions or classes may look the same, they may also serve different contexts and business requirements that evolve differently over time. Think about how the functions’ purpose holds with time, not just about making the code shorter. When designing abstractions, do not prematurely couple behaviors that may evolve separately in the longer term.

When does introducing an abstraction harm our code? Let’s consider the following code: 

# Premature DRY abstraction assuming # uniform rules, limiting entity-

# specific changes.

class DeadlineSetter:

 def __init__(self, entity_type):

  self.entity_type = entity_type

 def set_deadline(self, deadline):

   if deadline <= datetime.now():

    raise ValueError(

      “Date must be in the future”)

task = DeadlineSetter(“task”)


datetime(2024, 3, 12))

payment = DeadlineSetter(“payment”)


datetime(2024, 3, 18))

# Repetitive but allows for clear,

# entity-specific logic and future

# changes.

def set_task_deadline(task_deadline):

  if task_deadline <= datetime.now():

raise ValueError(

    “Date must be in the future”)

def set_payment_deadline( payment_deadline):

  if payment_deadline <= datetime.now():

    raise ValueError(

    “Date must be in the future”)


datetime(2024, 3, 12))


datetime(2024, 3, 18))

The approach on the right seems to violate the DRY principle since the ValueError checks are coincidentally the same.  However, tasks and payments represent distinct concepts with potentially diverging logic. If payment date later required a new validation, you could easily add it to the right-hand code; adding it to the left-hand code is much more invasive.

When in doubt, keep behaviors separate until enough common patterns emerge over time that justify the coupling. On a small scale, managing duplication can be simpler than resolving a premature abstraction’s complexity. In early stages of development, tolerate a little duplication and wait to abstract. 

Future requirements are often unpredictable. Think about the “You Aren’t Gonna Need It” or YAGNI principle. Either the duplication will prove to be a nonissue, or with time, it will clearly indicate the need for a well-considered abstraction.

Avoid the Long Parameter List

This is another post in our Code Health series. A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Testing on the Toilet episode. You can download a printer-friendly version to display in your office.

By Gene Volovich

Have you seen code like this?

void transform(String fileIn, String fileOut, String separatorIn, String separatorOut);

This seems simple enough, but it can be difficult to remember the parameter ordering. It gets worse if you add more parameters (e.g., to specify the encoding, or to email the resulting file):

void transform(String fileIn, String fileOut, String separatorIn, String separatorOut,

    String encoding, String mailTo, String mailSubject, String mailTemplate);

To make the change, will you add another (overloaded) transform method? Or add more parameters to the existing method, and update every single call to transform? Neither seems satisfactory.

One solution is to encapsulate groups of the parameters into meaningful objects. The CsvFile class used here is a “value object” simply a holder for the data.

class CsvFile {

  CsvFile(String filename, String separator, String encoding) { ... }

  String filename() { return filename; }

  String separator() { return separator; }

  String encoding() { return encoding; }

} // ... and do the same for the EmailMessage class

void transform(CsvFile src, CsvFile target, EmailMessage resultMsg) { ... }

How to define a value object varies by language. For example, in Java, you can use a record class, which is available in Java 16+ (for older versions of Java, you can use AutoValue to generate code for the value object); in Kotlin, you can use a data class; in C++, you can use an option struct.

Using a value object this way may still result in a long parameter list when instantiating it. Solutions for this vary by language. For example, in Python, you can use keyword arguments and default parameter values to shorten the parameter list; in Java, one option is to use the Builder pattern, which lets you call a separate function to set each field, and allows you to skip setting fields that have default values.

CsvFile src = CsvFile.builder().setFilename("a.txt").setSeparator(":").build();

CsvFile target = CsvFile.builder().setFilename("b.txt").setEncoding(UTF_8).build();

EmailMessage msg = 


transform(src, target, msg);

Always try to group data that belongs together and break up long, complicated parameter lists. The result will be code that is easier to read and maintain, and harder to make mistakes with. 

Test Failures Should Be Actionable

This article was adapted from a Google Testing on the Toilet (TotT) episode. You can download a printer-friendly version of this TotT episode and post it in your office.

By Titus Winters

There are a lot of rules and best practices around unit testing. There are many posts on this blog; there is deeper material in the Software Engineering at Google book; there is specific guidance for every major language; there is guidance on test frameworks, test naming, and dozens of other test-related topics. Isn’t this excessive?

Good unit tests contain several important properties, but you could focus on a key principle: Test failures should be actionable.

When a test fails, you should be able to begin investigation with nothing more than the test’s name and its failure messages—no need to add more information and rerun the test.

Effective use of unit test frameworks and assertion libraries (JUnit, Truth, pytest, GoogleTest, etc.) serves two important purposes. Firstly, the more precisely we express the invariants we are testing, the more informative and less brittle our tests will be. Secondly, when those invariants don’t hold and the tests fail, the failure info should be immediately actionable. This meshes well with Site Reliability Engineering guidance on alerting.

Consider this example of a C++ unit test of a function returning an absl::Status (an Abseil type that returns either an “OK” status or one of a number of different error codes):



Sample failure output

load_metadata_test.cc:42: Failure

Value of: LoadMetadata().ok()

Expected: true

Actual: false

load_metadata_test.cc:42: Failure

Value of: LoadMetadata()

Expected: is OK

Actual: NOT_FOUND: /path/to/metadata.bin

If the test on the left fails, you have to investigate why the test failed; the test on the right immediately gives you all the available detail, in this case because of a more precise GoogleTest matcher.

Here are some other posts on this blog that emphasize making test failures actionable:

  • Writing Descriptive Test Names - If our tests are narrow and sufficiently descriptive, the test name itself may give us enough information to start debugging.

  • Keep Tests Focused - If we test multiple scenarios in a single test, it’s hard to identify  exactly what went wrong.

  • Prefer Narrow Assertions in Unit Tests - If we have overly wide assertions (such as  depending on every field of a complex output proto), the test may fail for many unimportant reasons. False positives are the opposite of actionable.

  • Keep Cause and Effect Clear - Refrain from using large global test data structures shared across multiple unit tests, allowing for clear identification of each test’s setup.


This is another post in our Code Health series. A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Testing on the Toilet episode. You can download a printer-friendly version to display in your office.

By Yiming Sun

You may have come across some complex, hard-to-read Boolean expressions in your codebase and wished they were easier to understand. For example, let's say we want to decide whether a pizza is fantastic:

// Decide whether this pizza is fantastic.

if ((!pepperoniService.empty() || sausages.size() > 0)

    && (useOnionFlag.get() || hasMushroom(ENOKI, PORTOBELLO)) && hasCheese()) {



A first step toward improving this is to extract the condition into a well-named variable:

boolean isPizzaFantastic

    (!pepperoniService.empty() || sausages.size() > 0)

    && (useOnionFlag.get() || hasMushroom(ENOKI, PORTOBELLO)) && hasCheese();

if (isPizzaFantastic) {



However, the Boolean expression is still too complex. It's potentially confusing to calculate the value of isPizzaFantastic from a given set of inputs. You might need to grab a pen and paper, or start a server locally and set breakpoints. 

Instead, try to group the details into intermediate Booleans that provide meaningful abstractions. Each Boolean below represents a single well-defined quality, and you no longer need to mix && and || within an expression. Without changing the business logic, you’ve made it easier to see how the Booleans relate to each other:

boolean hasGoodMeat = !pepperoniService.empty() || sausages.size() > 0;

boolean hasGoodVeggies = useOnionFlag.get() || hasMushroom(ENOKI, PORTOBELLO);

boolean isPizzaFantastic = hasGoodMeat && hasGoodVeggies && hasCheese();

Another option is to hide the logic in a separate method. This also offers the possibility of early returns using guard clauses, further reducing the need to keep track of intermediate states:

boolean isPizzaFantastic() {

  if (!hasCheese()) {

    return false;


  if (pepperoniService.empty() && sausages.size() == 0) {

    return false;


  return useOnionFlag.get() || hasMushroom(ENOKI, PORTOBELLO);

How I Learned To Stop Writing Brittle Tests and Love Expressive APIs

This article was adapted from a Google Testing on the Toilet (TotT) episode. You can download a printer-friendly version of this TotT episode and post it in your office.

By Titus Winters

A valuable but challenging property for tests is “resilience,” meaning a test should only fail when something important has gone wrong. However, an opposite property may be easier to see: A “brittle” test is one that fails not for real problems that would break in production, but because the test itself is fragile for innocuous reasons. Error messages, changing the order of metadata headers in a web request, or the order of calls to a heavily-mocked dependency can often cause a brittle test to fail.

Expressive test APIs are a powerful tool in the fight against brittle, implementation-detail heavy tests. A test written with IsSquare(output) is more expressive (and less brittle) than a test written with details such as JsonEquals(.width = 42, .length = 42), in cases where the size of the square is irrelevant. Similar expressive designs might include unordered element matching for hash containers, metadata comparisons for photos, and activity logs in processing objects, just to name a few. 

As an example, consider this C++ test code:

absl::flat_hash_set<int> GetValuesFromConfig(const Config&);

TEST(ConfigValues, DefaultConfigsArePrime) {

  // Note the strange order of these values. BAD CODE, DON’T DO THIS!

  EXPECT_THAT(GetValuesFromConfig(Config()), ElementsAre(29, 17, 31));


The reliance on hash ordering makes this test brittle, preventing improvements to the API being tested. A critical part of the fix to the above code was to provide better test APIs that allowed engineers to more effectively express the properties that mattered. Thus we added UnorderedElementsAre to the GoogleTest test framework and refactored brittle tests to use that: 

TEST(ConfigValues, DefaultConfigsArePrimeAndOrderDoesNotMatter) {

  EXPECT_THAT(GetValuesFromConfig(Config()), UnorderedElementsAre(17, 29, 31));


It’s easy to see brittle tests and think, “Whoever wrote this did the wrong thing! Why are these tests so bad?” But it’s far better to see that these brittle failures are a signal indicating where the available testing APIs are missing, under-advertised, or need attention.

Brittleness may indicate that the original test author didn’t have access to (or didn’t know about) test APIs that could more effectively identify the salient properties that the test meant to enforce. Without the right tools, it’s too easy to write tests that depend on irrelevant details, making those tests brittle. 

If your tests are brittle, look for ways to narrow down golden diff tests that compare exact pixel layouts or log outputs. Discover and learn more expressive APIs. File feature requests with the owners of the upstream systems.

If you maintain infrastructure libraries and can’t make changes because of brittleness, think about what your users are lacking, and invest in expressive test APIs.

Prefer Narrow Assertions in Unit Tests

This article was adapted from a Google Testing on the Toilet (TotT) episode. You can download a printer-friendly version of this TotT episode and post it in your office.

by Kai Kent

Your project is adding a loyalty promotion feature, so you add a new column CREATION_DATE to the ACCOUNT table. Suddenly the test below starts failing. Can you spot the problem?

TEST_F(AccountTest, UpdatesBalanceAfterWithdrawal) {

  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(Account account,



  const Account kExpected = { .balance = 2000, /* a handful of other fields */ };

  EXPECT_EQ(account, kExpected);


You forgot to update the test for the newly added column; but the test also has an underlying problem:

It checks for full equality of a potentially complex object, and thus implicitly tests unrelated behaviors. Changing anything in Account, such as adding or removing a field, will cause all the tests with a similar pattern to fail. Broad assertions are an easy way to accidentally create brittle tests  - tests that fail when anything about the system changes, and need frequent fixing even though they aren't finding real bugs.

Instead, the test should use narrow assertions that only check the relevant behavior. The example test should be updated to only check the relevant field account.balance:

TEST_F(AccountTest, UpdatesBalanceAfterWithdrawal) {

  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(Account account,



  EXPECT_EQ(account.balance, 2000);


Broad assertions should only be used for unit tests that care about all of the implicitly tested behaviors, which should be a small minority of unit tests. Prefer to have at most one such test that checks for full equality of a complex object for the common case, and use narrow assertions for all other cases.

Similarly, when writing frontend unit tests, use one screenshot diff test to verify the layout of your UI, but test individual behaviors with narrow DOM assertions.

For testing large protocol buffers, some languages provide libraries for verifying a subset of proto fields in a single assertion, such as:

What’s in a Name?

This is another post in our Code Health series. A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Testing on the Toilet episode. You can download a printer-friendly version to display in your office.

by Adam Raider

“There are only two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation and naming things.” —Phil Karlton

Have you ever read an identifier only to realize later it doesn’t do what you expected? Or had to read the implementation in order to understand an interface? These indirections eat up our cognitive bandwidth and make our work more difficult. We spend far more time reading code than we do writing it; thoughtful names can save the reader (and writer) a lot of time and frustration. Here are some naming tips:

  • Spend time considering names—it’s worth it. Don’t default to the first name that comes to mind. The more public the name, the more expensive it is to change. Past a certain scale, names become infeasible to change, especially for APIs. Pay attention to a name in proportion to the cost of renaming it later. If you’re feeling stuck, consider running a new name by a teammate.

  • Describe behavior. Encourage naming based on what functions do rather than when the functions are called. Avoid prefixes like “handle” or “on” as they describe when and provide no added meaning:

button.listen('click', handleClick)

button.listen('click', addItemToCart)

  • Reveal intent with a contextually appropriate level of abstraction

    • High-abstraction functions describe the what and operate on high-level types.

    • Lower-abstraction functions describe the how and operate on lower-level types.

For example, logout might call into clearUserToken, and recordWithCamera might call into parseStreamBytes.

  • Prefer unique, precise names. Are you frequently asking for the UserManager? Manager, Util, and similar suffixes are a common but imprecise naming convention. What does it do? It manages! If you’re struggling to come up with a more precise name, consider splitting the class into smaller ones. 

  • Balance clarity and conciseness—use abbreviations with care. Commonly used abbreviations, such as HTML, i18n, and RPC, can aid communication but less-known ones can confuse your average readers. Ask yourself, “Will my readers immediately understand this label? Will a reader five years from now understand it?” 

  • Avoid repetition and filler words. Or in other words, don’t say the same thing twice. It adds unnecessary visual noise:



  • Software changes—names should, too. If you see an identifier that doesn’t aptly describe itself—fix it!

Learn more about identifier naming in this post: IdentifierNamingPostForWorldWideWebBlog.

Increase Test Fidelity By Avoiding Mocks

This article was adapted from a Google Testing on the Toilet (TotT) episode. You can download a printer-friendly version of this TotT episode and post it in your office.

By Andrew Trenk and Dillon Bly

Replacing your code’s dependencies with mocks can make unit tests easier to write and faster to run. However, among other problems, using mocks can lead to tests that are less effective at catching bugs.

The fidelity of a test refers to how closely the behavior of the test resembles the behavior of the production code. A test with higher fidelity gives you higher confidence that your code will work properly. 

When specifying a dependency to use in a test, prefer the highest-fidelity option. Learn more in the Test Doubles chapter of the Software Engineering at Google book.

  1. Try to use the real implementation. This provides the most fidelity, because the code in the implementation will be executed in the test. There may be tradeoffs when using a real implementation: they can be slow, non-deterministic, or difficult to instantiate (e.g., it connects to an external server). Use your judgment to decide if a real implementation is the right choice.
  2. Use a fake if you can’t use the real implementation. A fake is a lightweight implementation of an API that behaves similarly to the real implementation, e.g., an in-memory database. A fake ensures a test has high fidelity, but takes effort to write and maintain; e.g., it needs its own tests to ensure that it conforms to the behavior of the real implementation. Typically, the owner of the real implementation creates and maintains the fake.
  3. Use a mock if you can’t use the real implementation or a fake. A mock reduces fidelity, since it doesn’t execute any of the actual implementation of a dependency; its behavior is specified inline in a test (a technique known as stubbing), so it may diverge from the behavior of the real implementation. Mocks provide a basic level of confidence that your code works properly, and can be especially useful when testing a code path that is hard to trigger (e.g., an error condition such as a timeout).
    (Note: Although “mocks” are objects created using mocking frameworks such as Mockito or unittest.mock, the same problems will occur if you manually create your own implementation within tests.)

A low-fidelity test: Dependencies are replaced with mocks. Try to avoid this.

A high-fidelity test: Dependencies use real implementations or fakes. Prefer this.

@Mock OrderValidator validator;

@Mock PaymentProcessor processor;


ShoppingCart cart =

new ShoppingCart(

validator, processor);

OrderValidator validator =


PaymentProcessor processor =

new FakeProcessor();


ShoppingCart cart =

    new ShoppingCart(

validator, processor);

Aim for as much fidelity as you can achieve without increasing the size of a test. At Google, tests are classified by size. Most tests should be small: they must run in a single process and must not wait on a system or event outside of their process. Increasing the fidelity of a small test is often a good choice if the test stays within these constraints. A healthy test suite also includes medium and large tests, which have higher fidelity since they can use heavyweight dependencies that aren’t feasible to use in small tests, e.g., dependencies that increase execution times or call other processes.

Let Code Speak for Itself

This is another post in our Code Health series. A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Testing on the Toilet episode. You can download a printer-friendly version to display in your office.

by Shiva Garg and Francois Aube

Comments can be invaluable for understanding and maintaining a code base.  But excessive comments in code can become unhelpful clutter full of extraneous and/or outdated detail.

Comments that offer useless (or worse, obsolete) information hurt readability. Here are some tips to let your code speak for itself: 

  • Write comments to explain the “why” behind a certain approach in code. The comment below has two good reasons to exist: documenting non-obvious behavior and answering a question that a reader is likely to have (i.e. why doesn’t this code render directly on the screen?):

// Eliminate flickering by rendering the next frame off-screen and swapping into the

// visible buffer.



  • Use well-named identifiers to guide the reader and reduce the need for comments:

// Payout should not happen if the user is

// in an ineligible country.

std::unordered_set<std::string> ineligible =

  {"Atlantis", "Utopia"};

if (!ineligible.contains(country)) {



if (IsCountryEligibleForPayout(country)) { Payout(user.user_id); }

  • Write function comments (a.k.a. API documentation) that describe intended meaning and purpose, not implementation details. Choose unambiguous function signatures that callers can use  without reading any documentation. Don’t explain inner details that could change without affecting the contract with the caller:

// Reads an input string containing either a

// number of milliseconds since epoch or an

// ISO 8601 date and time. Invokes the

// Sole, Laces, and ToeCap APIs, then

// returns an object representing the Shoe

// available then or nullptr if none were.

Shoe* ModelAvailableAt(char* time);

// Returns the Shoe that was available for

// purchase at `time`. If no model was

// available, throws a runtime_error.

Shoe ModelAvailableAt(time_t time);

  • Omit comments that state the obvious. Superfluous comments increase code maintenance when code gets refactored and don’t add value, only overhead to keep these comments current:

// Increment counter by 1.


Learn more about writing good comments: To Comment or Not to Comment?, Best practices for writing code comments

Exceptional Exception Handling

This is another post in our Code Health series. A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Testing on the Toilet episode. You can download a printer-friendly version to display in your office.

by Yiming Sun

Have you ever seen huge exception-handling blocks? Here is an example in Java, although you may have seen similar problems in Python, TypeScript, Kotlin, or any language that supports exceptions.

Let's assume we are calling bakePizza() to bake a pizza, and it can be overbaked, throwing a PizzaOverbakedException.

class PizzaOverbakedException extends Exception {};

void bakePizza () throws PizzaOverbakedException {};

try {

  // 100+ lines of code to prepare pizza ingredients.



  // Another 100+ lines of code to deliver pizza to a customer.


} catch (Exception e) {

  throw new IllegalStateException(); // Root cause ignored while throwing new exception.


Here are the problems with the above code:

  • Obscuring the logic. The method bakePizza(), is obscured by the additional lines of code of preparation and delivery, so unintended exceptions from preparation and delivery may be caught.
  • Catching the general exception. catch (Exception e) will catch everything, despite that we might only want to handle PizzaOverbakedException here.
  • Rethrowing a general exception, with the original exception ignored. This means that the root cause is lost - we don't know what exactly goes wrong with pizza baking while debugging.

Here is a better alternative, rewritten to avoid the problems above.

class PizzaOverbakedException extends Exception {};

void bakePizza () throws PizzaOverbakedException {};

// 100+ lines of code to prepare pizza ingredients.


try {


} catch (PizzaOverbakedException e) {  // Other exceptions won’t be caught.

  // Rethrow a more meaningful exception; so that we know pizza is overbaked.

  throw new IllegalStateException(“You burned the pizza!”, e);  


// Another 100+ lines of code to deliver pizza to a customer.


Clean Up Code Cruft

This is another post in our Code Health series. A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Testing on the Toilet episode. You can download a printer-friendly version to display in your office.

By Per Jacobsson

The book Clean Code discusses a camping rule that is good to keep in the back of your mind when writing code:

Leave the campground cleaner than you found it

So how does that fit into software development? The thinking is this: When you make changes to code that can potentially be improved, try to make it just a little bit better.

This doesn't necessarily mean you have to go out of your way to do huge refactorings. Changing something small can go a long way:

  • Rename a variable to something more descriptive. 

  • Break apart a huge function into a few logical pieces.

  • Fix a lint warning.

  • Bring an outdated comment up to date.

  • Extract duplicated lines to a function.

  • Write a unit test for an untested function.

  • Whatever other itch you feel like scratching.

Cleaning up the small things often makes it easier to see and fix the bigger issues.

But what about "If it's not broken, don't fix it"? Changing code can be risky, right? There's no obvious rule, but if you're always afraid to change your code, you have bigger problems. Cruft in code that is actively being changed is like credit card debt. Either you pay it off, or you eventually go bankrupt.  

Unit tests help mitigate the risk of changing code. When you're doing cleanup work, be sure there are unit tests for the things you're about to change. This may mean writing a few new ones yourself.

If you’re working on a change and end up doing some minor cleanup, you can often include these cleanups in the same change. Be careful to not distract your code reviewer by adding too many unrelated cleanups. An option that works well is to send the cleanup fixes in multiple tiny changes that are small enough to just take a few seconds to review

As mentioned in the book: "Can you imagine working on a project where the code simply got better as time passed?"

“Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship” by Robert C. Martin was published in 2008.

Write Clean Code to Reduce Cognitive Load

This is another post in our Code Health series. A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Testing on the Toilet episode. You can download a printer-friendly version to display in your office.

By Andrew Trenk

Do you ever read code and find it hard to understand? You may be experiencing cognitive load!

Cognitive load refers to the amount of mental effort required to complete a task. When reading code, you have to keep in mind information such as values of variables, conditional logic, loop indices, data structure state, and interface contracts. Cognitive load increases as code becomes more complex. People can typically hold up to 5–7 separate pieces of information in their short-term memory (source); code that involves more information than that can be difficult to understand.

Two brains displayed side-by-side. 

The left brain is red with a sad face. The text below it says 'Complex code: Too much cognitive load'.;

The left brain is green with a happy face. The text below it says 'Simple code: Minimal cognitive load'.

Cognitive load is often higher for other people reading code you wrote than it is for yourself, since readers need to understand your intentions. Think of the times you read someone else’s code and struggled to understand its behavior. One of the reasons for code reviews is to allow reviewers to check if the changes to the code cause too much cognitive load. Be kind to your co-workers: reduce their cognitive load by writing clean code.

The key to reducing cognitive load is to make code simpler so it can be understood more easily by readers. This is the principle behind many code health practices. Here are some examples:

  • Limit the amount of code in a function or file. Aim to keep the code concise enough that you can keep the whole thing in your head at once. Prefer to keep functions small, and try to limit each class to a single responsibility.

  • Create abstractions to hide implementation details. Abstractions such as functions and interfaces allow you to deal with simpler concepts and hide complex details. However, remember that over-engineering your code with too many abstractions also causes cognitive load.

  • Simplify control flow. Functions with too many if statements or loops can be hard to understand since it is difficult to keep the entire control flow in your head. Hide complex logic in helper functions, and reduce nesting by using early returns to handle special cases.

  • Minimize mutable state. Stateless code is simpler to understand. For example, avoid mutable class fields when possible, and make types immutable.

  • Include only relevant details in tests. A test can be hard to follow if it includes boilerplate test data that is irrelevant to the test case, or relevant test data is hidden in helper functions.

  • Don’t overuse mocks in tests. Improper use of mocks can lead to tests that are cluttered with calls that expose implementation details of the system under test.

Learn more about cognitive load in the book The Programmer’s Brain, by Felienne Hermans.

Include Only Relevant Details In Tests

This article was adapted from a Google Testing on the Toilet (TotT) episode. You can download a printer-friendly version of this TotT episode and post it in your office.

By Dagang Wei

What problem in the code below makes the test hard to follow?

def test_get_balance(self):

  settings = BankSettings(FDIC_INSURED, REGULATED, US_BASED)

  account = Account(settings, ID, BALANCE, ADDRESS, NAME, EMAIL, PHONE)

  self.assertEqual(account.GetBalance(), BALANCE)

The problem is that there is a lot of noise in the account creation code, which makes it hard to tell which details are relevant to the assert statement. 

But going from one extreme to the other can also make the test hard to follow:

def test_get_balance(self):

  account = _create_account()

  self.assertEqual(account.GetBalance(), BALANCE)

Now the problem is that critical details are hidden in the _create_account() helper function, so it’s not obvious where the BALANCE field comes from. In order to understand the test, you need to switch context by diving into the helper function.

A good test should include only details relevant to the test, while hiding noise:

def test_get_balance():

  account = _create_account(BALANCE)

  self.assertEqual(account.GetBalance(), BALANCE)

By following this advice, it should be easy to see the flow of data throughout a test. For example:

Bad (flow of data is hidden):

Good (flow of data is clear):

def test_bank_account_overdraw_fails(self):

  account = _create_account()

  outcome = _overdraw(account)


    outcome, account)

def _create_account():

  settings = BankSettings(...)

  return Account(settings, BALANCE, ...)

def _overdraw(account):

  # Boilerplate code


  return account.Withdraw(BALANCE + 1)

def _assert_withdraw_failed(

    self, outcome, account):

  self.assertEqual(outcome, FAILED)


    account.GetBalance(), BALANCE)

def test_bank_account_overdraw_fails(self):

  account = _create_account(BALANCE)

  outcome = _withdraw(account, BALANCE + 1)

  self.assertEqual(outcome, FAILED)


    account.GetBalance(), BALANCE)

def _create_account(balance):

  settings = BankSettings(...)

  return Account(settings, balance, ...)

def _withdraw(account, amount):

  # Boilerplate code


  return account.Withdraw(amount)

Simplify Your Control Flows

This is another post in our Code Health series. A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Testing on the Toilet episode. You can download a printer-friendly version to display in your office.

By Jeff Hoy

When adding loops and conditionals, even simple code can become difficult to understand.
Consider this change:

if (commode.HasPreferredCustomer()) {

if (commode.HasPreferredCustomer()) {



} else if (commode.CustomerOnPhone()) {




While the above change may seem simple, even adding a single else statement can make the code harder to follow since the complexity of code grows quickly with its size. Below we see the code surrounding the above snippet; the control flow on the right illustrates how much a reader needs to retain:

while (commode.StillOccupied()) {

  if (commode.HasPreferredCustomer()) {


  } else if (commode.CustomerOnPhone()) {  



  if (commode.ContainsKale()) {





Code Control Flow with 5 structures and 9 edges:

challenging for a reader to retain in memory.

In order to fully understand the code, the reader needs to keep the entire control flow in their head.  However, the retention capacity of working memory is limited (source)  Code path complexity will also challenge the reader, and can be measured using cyclomatic complexity.

To reduce cognitive overhead of complex code, push implementation logic down into functions and methods. For example, if the if/else structure in the above code is moved into an AdjustSeatTemp() method, the reviewer can review the two blocks independently, each having a much simpler control graph:

while (commode.StillOccupied()) {


  if (commode.ContainsKale()) {





3 control structures and 5 edges: easier to remember


with 2 structures and 4 edges

Avoiding complexity makes code easier to follow. In addition, code reviewers are more likely to identify logic errors, and maintainers are less likely to introduce complex code.

Improve Readability With Positive Booleans

This is another post in our Code Health series. A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Testing on the Toilet episode. You can download a printer-friendly version to display in your office.

By Max Kanat-Alexander

Reading healthy code should be as easy as reading a book in your native language. You shouldn’t have to stop and puzzle over what a line of code is doing. One small trick that can assist with this is to make boolean checks about something positive rather than about something negative.

Here’s an extreme example:

if not nodisable_kryponite_shield:




What does that code do? Sure, you can figure it out, but healthy code is not a puzzle, it’s a simple communication. Let’s look at two principles we can use to simplify this code.

1. Name your flags and variables in such a way that they represent the positive check you wish to make (the presence of something, something being enabled, something being true) rather than the negative check you wish to make (the absence of something, something being disabled, something being false).

if not enable_kryponite_shield:




That is already easier to read and understand than the first example.

2. If your conditional looks like “if not else ” then reverse it to put the positive case first.

if enable_kryponite_shield:




Now the intention of the code is immediately obvious.

There are many other contexts in which this gives improvements to readability. For example, the command foo --disable_feature=False is harder to read and think about than
foo --enable_feature=True, particularly when you change the default to enable the feature.

There are some exceptions (for example, in Python, if foo is not None could be considered a “positive check” even though it has a “not” in it), but in general checking the presence or absence of a positive is simpler for readers to understand than checking the presence or absence of a negative.

Shell Scripts: Stay Small & Simple

A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Testing on the Toilet episode. You can download a printer-friendly version to display in your office.

By David Mandelberg

Shell scripts (including Bash scripts) can be convenient for automating simple command line procedures, and they are often better than keeping complicated commands in a single developer's history. However, shell scripts can be hard to understand and maintain, and are typically not as well-supported as other programming languages. Shell scripts have less support for unit testing, and there is likely a lower chance that somebody reading one will be experienced with the language.

Python, Go, or other general-purpose languages are often better choices than shell. Shell is convenient for some simple use cases, and the Google shell style guide can help with writing better shell scripts. But it is difficult, even for experienced shell scripters, to mitigate the risks of its many surprising behaviors. So whenever possible, use shell scripts only for small, simple use cases, or avoid shell entirely.

Here are some examples of mistakes that are far too easy to make when writing a shell script (see Bash Pitfalls for many more):

  • Forgetting to quote something can have surprising results, due to shell's complicated evaluation rules. E.g., even if a wildcard is properly quoted, it can still be unexpectedly expanded elsewhere:

$ msg='Is using bash a pro? Or a con?'

$ echo $msg  # Note that there's a subdirectory called 'proc' in the current directory.

Is using bash a proc Or a con?  # ? was unexpectedly treated as a wildcard.

  • Many things that would be function arguments in other languages are command line arguments in shell. Command line arguments are world-readable, so they can leak secrets:

$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${SECRET}" "$URL" &

$ ps aux  # The current list of processes shows the secret.

  • By default, the shell ignores all errors from commands, which can cause severe bugs if code assumes that earlier commands succeeded. The command set -e can appear to force termination at the first error, but its behavior is inconsistent. For example, set -e does not affect some commands in pipelines (like false in false | cat), nor will it affect some command substitutions (such as the false in export FOO="$(false)"). Even worse, its behavior inside a function depends on how that function is called.
  • Many things run in subshells, which can (often unexpectedly) hide changes to variables from the main shell. It can also make manual error handling harder, compounding the issue above:

$ run_or_exit() { "$@" || exit $?; }  # Executes the arguments then exits on failure.

$ foo="$(run_or_exit false)"  # Exits the $() subshell, but the script continues.

The Secret to Great Code Reviews: Respect Reviewers' Comments

This is another post in our Code Health series. A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Testing on the Toilet episode. You can download a printer-friendly version to display in your office.

By Marius Latinis

You prepared a code change and asked for a review. A reviewer left a comment you disagree with. Are you going to reply that you will not address the comment? 

When addressing comments for your code reviewed by colleagues, find a solution that makes both you and the reviewer happy. The fact that a reviewer left a comment suggests you may be able to improve the code further. Here are two effective ways to respond:

  • When it’s easy for you to make an improvement, update the code. Improved code benefits future readers and maintainers. You will also avoid a potentially long and emotional debate with a reviewer.

  • If the comment is unclear, ask the reviewer to explain. To facilitate the process, talk directly with the reviewer through chat, or in person.

Let’s demonstrate with an example code review scenario:

  1. You prepare a code change that modifies the following function:

    3 // Return the post with the most upvotes.

    3 // Return the post with the most upvotes.


    4 // Restrict to English if englishOnly = true.

    4 Post findMostUpvotedPost(

    5 Post findMostUpvotedPost(

    5     List<Post> posts) {

    6     List<Post> posts,


    7     boolean englishOnly) {

    6   ... 

    8   ... // Old and new logic mixed together.

    7 }

    9 }

  1. The code reviewer leaves the following comment:


    11:51 AM

    The new function signature is too complex. Can we keep the signature unchanged?


You disagree with the comment that one additional parameter makes the signature too complex. Nevertheless, do not reject the suggestion outright.

There is another issue that might have prompted the comment: it is not the responsibility of this function to check the post’s language (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-responsibility_principle).

  1. You rewrite your code to address the reviewer’s comment:

    ImmutableList<Post> englishPosts = selectEnglishPosts(posts);  // Your new logic.

    Post mostUpvotedEnglishPost = findMostUpvotedPost(englishPosts);  // No change needed.

Now the code is improved, and both you and the reviewer are happy.

Communicate Design Tradeoffs Visually

A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Testing on the Toilet episode. You can download a printer-friendly version to display in your office.

By Tim Lyakhovetskiy

A goal of any written design or project proposal is to present and evaluate alternatives. However, documents that include multiple solutions can be difficult to read when the qualities of each solution are not clearly expressed.

A common approach to simplifying proposals is to use “pros and cons” for each alternative, but this leads to biased writing since the pros and cons may be weighed differently depending on the reader’s priorities.

In this example, can you quickly tell how this option would measure up against others?

Option 1 - Optimize Shoelace Untangling Wizard in ShoeApp UI


  • Shoelace Untangling Wizard UI will use 10% less CPU

  • Less than one quarter to implement

  • Users will see 100ms less UI lag


  • Security risk (shoelace colors exposed) until ShoeAppBackend team fixes lacing API

  • ShoeAppBackend will be blocked for 3 months

  • User documentation for Shoelace Untangling Wizard UI has to change

This format requires the reader to remember many details in order to evaluate which option they prefer. Instead, express tradeoffs using impact on qualities. There are many common quality attributes including Performance, Security, Maintainability, Usability, Testability, Scalability, and Cost.

Use colors and symbols in a table ( negative, somewhat negative, positive) to make it easy for readers to parse your ideas. The symbols are needed for accessibility, e.g. color-blindness and screen readers.

Option 1 - Optimize Shoelace Untangling Wizard in ShoeApp UI


➕ Users will see 100ms less UI lag

User documentation for Shoelace Untangling Wizard UI has to change


➖ Security risk (shoelace colors exposed) until ShoeAppBackend fixes lacing API

Partner impact

➖ ShoeAppBackend will be blocked for 3 months


➕ Shoelace Untangling Wizard UI will use 10% less CPU


➕ Less than one quarter to implement

Notice that the content uses approximately the same space but communicates more visually. The benefit is even greater when there are many alternatives/attributes, as it’s possible to evaluate the whole option at a glance.

Else Nuances

This is another post in our Code Health series. A version of this post originally appeared in Google bathrooms worldwide as a Google Testing on the Toilet episode. You can download a printer-friendly version to display in your office.

By Sam Lee and Stan Chan

If your function exits early in an if statement, using or not using an else clause is equivalent in terms of behavior. However, the proper use of else clauses and guard clauses (lack of else) can help emphasize the intent of the code to the reader.

Consider the following guidelines to help you structure your functions:

  • Use a guard clause to handle special cases upfront, so that the rest of the code can focus on the core logic. A guard clause checks a criterion and fails fast or returns early if it is not met, which reduces nesting (see the Reduce Nesting article).

def parse_path(path: str) -> Path:

  if not path:

    raise ValueError(“path is empty.”)


    # Nested logic here.


def parse_path(path: str) -> Path:

  if not path:

    raise ValueError(“path is empty.”)

  # No nesting needed for the valid case.


  • Use else if it is part of the core responsibility. Prefer to keep related conditional logic syntactically grouped together in the same if...else structure if each branch is relevant to the core responsibility of the function. Grouping logic in this way emphasizes the complementary nature of each condition. The complementary nature is emphasized explicitly by the else statement, instead of being inferred and relying on the resulting behavior of the prior return statement.

def get_favicon(self) -> Icon:

  if self.user.id is None:

    return Icon.SIGNED_OUT

  if self.browser.incognito: return Icon.INCOGNITO

  if not self.new_inbox_items:

    return Icon.EMPTY;

  return Icon.HAS_ITEMS

def get_favicon(self) -> Icon:

  if self.user.id is None:

    return Icon.SIGNED_OUT

  elif self.browser.incognito:

    return Icon.INCOGNITO

  elif not self.new_inbox_items:

    return Icon.EMPTY


    return Icon.HAS_ITEMS

  # No trailing return is needed or allowed.

When it’s idiomatic, use a switch (or similar) statement instead of if...else statements. (switch/when in Go/Kotlin can accept boolean conditions like if...else.)

Not all scenarios will be clear-cut for which pattern to use; use your best judgment to choose between these two styles. A good rule of thumb is use a guard if it's a special case, use else if its core logic. Following these guidelines can improve code understandability by emphasizing the connections between different logical branches.
